Will Gay is a painter, illustrator and graphic designer. As design director at Disney’s Yellow Shoes, Will is tasked daily with leading a talented team of designers and copywriters in elevating creative through design at the Walt Disney Company. His latest paintings and prints are realized in the evenings at his home studio. Will is influenced by a combination of pop culture, street art, graphic design, and skateboarding. Since his debut at the Festival of the Masters in 2009 he has continued to reinterpret iconic characters like Mickey Mouse and invent his own characters, like OhNO, based on his son's antics. Will currently has been appearing with new Disney art each year at Epcot's Festival of the Arts in January.
For all my Disney related character art inquiries please visit the Art of Disney Galleries through the shop Disney Parks App (search Gay) or in person at Disney Springs and the theme parks in Florida and California.